MiApps XML Files to Database

Ian Conway
1 min readSep 14, 2018


This project takes the XML files created by MiApps and stores the contents into a database. This makes it possible to write queries on the data, or pull the data into an external application.

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This project demonstrates reading the XML files from an Azure storage account. Thanks to Laravel File Storageconfiguration, changing your file location is easy.


Logic for this project is all stored in the main “/” route inside routes/web.php

On the main “/” route, this application will begin by integrating over a directory listing of all XML files stored on your storage disk. A record will be kept of each read file to determine if the file should be processed or not.

The application will create a separate database table for each form that is detected in an XML file. Columns will be created on the table to represent each file found on the MiApps form.


  • Changing the name of a form in the MiApps Form Designer will result in a new database table being created in this application.

